emf protection in home

Electromagnetic frequencies, or EMFs are abundant in our modern world. From cellphones to microwaves, our electronics emit frequencies which impact and influence our own energy and health. The real question is, how bad are EMFs for us and how can we build EMF protection within our homes?


Modern Home, EMF Protection

What are EMFs?

Electromagnetic frequencies, or EMFs, are waves of energy that electronic devices and technology radiates. These waves are invisible to the eye, yet it is how many of your appliances and electronic gadgets operate. Electronics aren’t the only thing that give off EMFs. Actually, the sun does as well! However, the sun’s rays are a billion miles away versus your phone or microwave.

What are some types of EMFs?

There are many different levels of radiation from EMF exposure. An example of a high-level of EMF radiation includes X-rays or even Ultraviolet (UV) rays. These rays affect the cells on an atomic level. It basically ionizes the cell by removing an electron from the atom. When this happens to the body, it can cause long term health damage such as cancer and even genetic mutations.

On the other end, extremely low-levels of EMF radiation include infrared (think sauna treatments), radiofrequencies (RF), and visible light. This type of radiation in non-ionizing. While it moves atoms around in the body and makes them vibrate, researchers have concluded that it isn’t enough to damage DNA or cells.


So most likely you aren’t getting X-rays taken every day, going to tanning salons every week, or using black lights in your lamps at home 24/7. No, but you are probably making microwavable meals, working off your Wi-fi, and watching TV. Even though these are not the extreme levels of EMFs and radiation, there is some research to show that these low-mid levels of radiation and EMF exposure can still be harmful to your body and your health, and we should try and achieve some EMF protection.

Here are some common appliances and ways in which EMFs show up in your daily life:

  • Microwave ovens
  • Computers
  • Wi-Fi routers
  • Cellphones
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • Power Lines
  • Televisions

What are the side effects of EMF exposure?

For low EMF radiation and those that are non-ionizing, such as your cellphone or microwave, there has been little research done on the effects these wavelengths can have on our bodies. Since this type of radiation is so low, it often might take decades to see the long-term damage it can have.

However, there have been some studies showing that certain organs, such as your eyes or testes can be more vulnerable to the health damages of EMFs. For example, staring at a computer or television screen for too long has been shown to weaken our eyesight and cause migraines and headaches. Reducing your exposure to EMFs can be helpful for eye strain and sight.

There have also been some studies potentially linking cellphones to cancer. This is based on long-term, heavy use mobile phone users, and with this study being done in 2000, back when smartphones weren’t a thing, we could be experiencing a more likelihood of this connection. Thankfully, more research is being done around this topic. Even in 2011, the World Health Organization classified EMFs as a possible carcinogenic to humans.


EMFs and exposure to people.

While health issues like cancer can be a major side effect of EMF exposure, there have been other research studies to suggest that long-term EMF exposure can be harmful to cognitive abilities and even contribute to neurological cognitive disorders. Possible symptoms of EMFs relating to our brain include:

  • Headaches
  • Tremor
  • Dizziness
  • Memory Loss
  • Loss of Concentration
  • Sleep Disturbance

Many of these symptoms are what most of us experience when exposed to EMFs, especially when it is in our homes. These may seem like minor disturbances, but overtime, they can become major influences in how we live our lives. This is why gaining protection from EMFs in important for your health.

How to test your Home’s EMF Exposure

It is fairly easy to test and see what the levels of EMFs are in your home. You can check these levels with an EMF meter or EMF detector. With so many of us having EMF devices in our homes, it is hard to tell what a healthy level is. An average level for EMFs in the home is 1000 mG. An unhealthy and dangerous amount is 5,000 mG or 0.5 mT.  If it is above this level, you will definitely want to reduce the amount of EMFs.

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What are ways you can have EMF Protection in your Home

Understanding that so much of our modern home has appliances and equipment that contains EMFs, it is highly unlikely and unrealistic that you remove every item that emits an EMF frequency. That being said, there are some ways in which we can reduce our levels of exposure and potentially even block and protect ourselves from some of these frequencies.

1. Limit and Distance Screen Time

One of the easiest and quickest ways to combat EMFs is to reduce the amount of time you are using these devices. As much evidence points to long-term exposure, limiting that amount of time can be a huge benefit in preventing these health risks. Reduce your TV viewing or the time you scroll through your phone. It’s not only better for your body’s health, but your mental health as well! Also, remember to keep a good distance away from your screens. Don’t sit three feet away from your giant plasma TV. Keeping a safe and appropriate TV viewing distance. Anything past six feet is generally good.

2. Use Blue light Glasses or a Blue Light Screen when on your Computer

Protecting your eyes is BIG when it comes to EMF exposure, as our eyes are very vulnerable to the EMF rays. For prolonged screen use, try wearing blue light glasses. These glasses have lenses which filter out the blue light wavelength from electronic devices. This can be helpful since they protect the eyes from the UV radiation that can cause major issues for our health.

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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on https://www.amazon.com/ at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

3. Plug in vs. Wireless When it’s an Option

With Bluetooth being a big emitter of EMFs, opt for plugging in devices when you can. Instead of a wireless speaker, keep it corded if you are not moving around room-to-room with it. If you like wearing headphones while working, plug them into your music device, whether this be through your computer AUX cord or on your phone instead of keeping in wireless. The less you are using your Bluetooth, the better.

Home Office via California Closets

4. Keep Charging Stations at a Distance

As electronic devices are constantly giving off EMFs, you want to be around these devices as little as possible. This isn’t always practical in today’s world of tablets, smartphones, and laptops. We can however, control and reduce our exposure by keeping our charging station for these devices away in an area of our homes that we’re not constantly in. This can be a corner of the home office or a kitchen drop-zone. You want to avoid having the charging station in your bedroom, as we spend eight to ten hours per day in them sleeping.

Charging Station

5. Protect your Devices

There are products out on the market today that are designed to block the frequencies of EMFs (while still keeping your devices running and working). These are often stickers or small discs that you can place on your electronic devices that block the frequencies. These items are typically called EMF Blockers. These are a great and easy EMF Reducer and can help with EMF protection as well. Below are a few that we have tested and recommend.

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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on https://www.amazon.com/ at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on https://www.amazon.com/ at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

6. Use Crystals

Did you know that in Feng Shui, certain crystals can help to protect and block the frequencies of EMFs? Good crystals that work for EMFs are Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Orgone Pyramid, and Smoky Quartz. Have larger specimens of these stones placed in your home near large devices like your TV or computer and let their energy do their magic!

7. Get a Wifi Router that You Can Turn Off at Night

Turning your wifi router off at night when it is not being used is a great way to limit your EMF exposure. At Roomhints, we recommend the Netgear N900 Dual Band Gigabit Wifi Router as it has an on/off button. Also, it has the capacity to plug in vs. using wifi. Or take a look at these low radiation routers from JRS Eco Wireless.

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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on https://www.amazon.com/ at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

EMFs and Feng Shui

Below you can see the natural flow of energy within this living room.

From an energetic perspective, EMFs are not good for the flow of energy in a space. That is because these artificially made wavelengths and they disrupt the natural balance and harmony of our environments. For those that are very energetically sensitive, they can experience even more severe symptoms from EMFs, such as nausea and vomiting. Reducing your EMF exposure can result in better qi (energy) flow in your home.

Qi Energy Moving Through a Space

Just because we live with EMFs doesn’t mean we have to let them affect our health. Try these tips out today and start living healthier in your home!

**Looking for more conscious design hints? Check out our Feng Shui for Romance article and adding a Money Tree to your home.

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