Appliances, phones, and gadgets – they’ve all become ubiquitous in our daily lives. Science has shown that the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from these everyday devices, from our smartphones to our microwaves, can have health-altering effects. Read on to learn why it’s important to have an EMF reader for your home.

While one of the biggest health impacts is the tie between EMF and cancer, other maladies like insomnia, anxiety, and nausea that can’t be traced to a clear origin, may find their root in these toxic frequencies.
Suppose you’ve been suffering from a health issue that conventional treatment has been unable to repair. In that case, it may be time to consider the levels of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) present in your environment.
Fortunately, there are some simple tools that can help, including choosing an EMF reader for your home that can help monitor overexposure.

What is an EMF Reader
An EMF reader is a device that measures the electromagnetic radiation levels in a particular area. This can be useful when checking for invisible sources of radiation, such as cell phone towers, power lines, and Wi-Fi networks.
It can be crucial to understand the umbrella of EMFs in your home and your neighborhood. With an EMF reader, you can accurately measure the levels of radiation and take steps to reduce any risks if necessary.
EMF readers are handheld devices that look eerily similar to a block cell phone from the 90s. They can either measure AC magnetic fields from manmade sources like electrical wiring or DC fields, which are naturally occurring and use a gauss meter.
Most EMF devices will come with manuals explaining reading thresholds and calibration maintenance. They typically run off batteries and can pick off natural, low, and high frequencies.

The Benefits of an EMF Reader
There are a few benefits to investing in an EMF reader for your home. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of keeping one on hand.
Primarily, EMF readers are used in homes to bring attention to frequencies that may affect your family’s health. EMF overexposure, created by modern appliances and electronics, has been linked to a wide range of health issues.
By assessing the level and diversity of EMFs around your home, you might have the key to diagnosing and alleviating what has been causing your struggles.
While this is not considered traditional medicine, it still could prove to be just as effective in addressing your concerns. People affected by overexposure may develop a syndrome the World Health Organization calls electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
People who are particularly sensitive may experience:
- Headaches
- Skin Or eye issues
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Memory loss
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Vertigo
- Tinnitus
Peace of Mind
Perhaps you’re not in a familiar space or staying short-term in another living space. Using an EMF reader in your home can give you peace of mind knowing that your living space is free of excess electromagnetic radiation.
By employing an EMF reader, you can identify potential hazards and take the necessary steps to improve your home’s radiation levels.

Ensures the Health of Neighbors
Knowing your EMF burden not only helps to protect your health, but also the health of those living in adjacent homes. Because the reader is mobile and can also detect frequencies beyond your home, it may help neighbors also assess their EMF loads.
Utilizing an EMF reader allows you to provide a safer living environment that is free from dangerous invisible radiation coming from both manmade and natural sources.
Troubleshoot Electronic Conditions
Along with improved overall safety, an EMF reader can also be used to troubleshoot electronic devices in the home, helping maintain them in peak operational condition. An EMF reader can detect faulty wiring that will show an elevated reading and allow you to address the issue at the source.

Consider an EMF Survey
An EMF survey, or Electromagnetic Field survey, utilizes a trained professional who will have various devices and knowledge to pinpoint different problem areas causing overexposure. They will look for:
- Electric Fields
- Magnetic Fields
- Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation
- Dirty electricity
- Geopathic Stress
- Artificial light toxicity
An expert will evaluate the levels of man made electromagnetic radiation given off by electrical wiring and equipment in and around your home.
Conducting an EMF survey with a qualified professional with special equipment can help give a comprehensive picture by combining readings from electronic gadgets, phone towers, powerlines, and other known pain points.

Your Guide to Choosing the Right EMF Reader
Hint #1 | Tri-Axis
Before investing in an EMF reader for your home, it is important to understand the difference between a single-axis and tri-axis version. While a single-axis EMF meter may be less expensive and may work well enough initially, it can also be more time consuming as measuring EMF from different sources requires multiple readings from each angle.
With a tri-axis EMF meter, tri-directional readings are provided simultaneously, which is both more efficient and accurate.
In addition, many higher-quality rangefinders will automatically shut off after taking a reading, so you don’t need to wait for the device to power down before switching the angle for a new measurement.
Hint #2 | Detects 5G
Ensure the EMF reader can measure 5G frequencies. This is a relatively new concern as the network continues to grow and spread; there is unknown EMF toxicity that can come as a result.
Having a meter that measures 5G will increase the precision and accuracy of your readings, allowing you to practice informed safety habits like limiting 5G devices or keeping them away from the areas you use the most.
A holistic EMF meter will have three-way detection and can pick up radio frequencies, magnetic fields, and electric fields all at once — this will cover the entire spectrum of detectable energy sources. Newer EMF meters will be able to identify up-to-date 5G frequencies, giving you peace of mind.
Hint #3 | Frequency Range
When it comes to purchasing an EMF reader for your home, understanding the frequency range is important. Radio frequencies range between 3 kHz and 300 GHz, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Different devices are restricted to certain frequencies, such as home WiFi networks that use either 2.4GHz or 5GHz. LTE cell phones typically use 800MHz, 1800MHz, and 2600MHz radio frequencies, while 5G networks use higher frequencies that can not be detected by low-level EMF meters.
Keep in mind that the average power grid frequency in North America is 60Hz while most other countries use 50Hz; however, a meter that reads below 20Hz may be unnecessary for general home use.
Hint #4 | Data Display
EMF readers come in with various data displays or ways of alerting you to high EMF, from digital displays to audible beeping. Some EMF meters use generalized ranges with lights and color codes for easy interpretation, while others provide exact numerical readings for enhanced accuracy.
In addition, if you want to determine different frequencies or sources, some EMF readers may have audible cues such as tones, volumes, and sounds that will help identify them quickly.

Other Ways to Naturally Reduce EMF Emissions in Your Home
There are a few steps you can take to naturally reduce your adverse EMF load. To ensure that electromagnetic frequencies are kept under control, it’s important to limit the number of devices producing them, such as turning off wifi while not in use, unplugging them when possible, and not sleeping next to devices like smartphones.
Additionally, other techniques, such as shielding materials or radiating antennas, provide even more protection from these frequencies.
Keep Your Home a Healthy Place
EMF overexposure is a real and growing health concern in our homes as devices accumulate and external sources become harder to regulate. A meter will give you peace of mind and possibly give you relief from health issues you may not know are being exacerbated by EMF!
For more on keeping your home a healthy place check out 7 Hints for EMF Protection in Your Home.
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