Floating shelves instead of cabinets are a huge trend right now for kitchen remodels. We put together this list to go over some of the pros cons.
They are Affordable
Cabinets above your counters can cost you upwards of thousands of dollars. These shelves can be anywhere form $10 to $300. The below floating shelves are from Ebay and absolutely gorgeous.

Can Be More Flexible
Floating shelves can be cut to any size you need. If you have a small area or kitchen it might be tough to find the exact cabinet size for this area. It is a great option as you can custom create the shelves to fit perfectly.
Or if you have just purchased a gorgeous stove hood and cabinets won't fit around they are a great option for more storage.
The space feels lighter
Without the bulky upper kitchen cabinets the kitchen space will feel lighter and the ceilings will look taller.
Click here to read more kitchen remodel ideas.

Easy Organization
With these shelves it is easy to quickly grab the item that you need instead of having to open the cupboard to get it. This will also make sure that you stay organized and get rid of the extras! There is limited room on a floating shelf so you can't have tons of different plates or mugs. Only the ones necessary.
This leads us into our con for floating shelves.
Must Be Clean & Tidy
If you love to just throw items behind a door and forget about it then floating shelves are not the right option for you.
We really love the look for kitchens. The shelves make it look clean, minimal and if you decide you want to update your kitchen it's a lot easier than getting brand new cabinets.
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Check out Roomhints articles for more kitchen remodel ideas or if you are really bold, blue kitchen cabinets.